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Biblio: söktermen namn=('Wikberg, Kay') gav 4 träffar

1. Wikberg, Kay / Engelska institutionen
  Topic, theme and hierarchial structure in procedural discourse / Kay Wikberg.
- Ingår i: Theory and practice in corpus linguistics / ed. by Jan Aarts and Willem Meijis. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 1990, s. 231-254. - (Language and computers serie. Studies in practical linguistics ; vol 4).
ISBN 90-5183-174-9
2. Wikberg, Kay / Engelska institutionen
  Discourse category and text type classification : procedure discourse in the Brown and LOB corpora / Kay Wikberg.
- Ingår i: New directions in English language corpora : methodology results, software developments / ed. by Gerhard Leitner. - Berlin : de Gruyter, 1992, s. 247-261. - (Topics in English linguistics ; 9).
ISBN 3-11-013201-X
3. Wikberg, Kay / Engelska institutionen
  Diversifying procedure discourse / Kay Wikberg.
- Ingår i: Nordic research on text and discourse : Noredtext Symposium 1990 / edited by Ann-Charlotte Lindeberg, Nils Erik Enkvist and Kay Wikberg. - Åbo : Åbo akademis förlag, 1992, s. 199-210.
ISBN 952-9616-05-8
4. Wikberg, Kay / Engelska institutionen
  [Rec. av] Corpus, concordance, collocation. Oxford, New York : Oxford University Press 1991 / Kay Wikberg.
- Ingår i: ICAME journal, ISSN 0801-5775, (1993) no. 17, s. 114-118.